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Anatomy and Physiology
115 hours

This course explores the structure and function of the body’s major systems and how disease occurs in the body, common pathologies and the symptoms often exhibited by a person. Through one of the most recognized textbooks in the profession, Massage Therapy Principles and Practices, students discover how the body operates and understand the benefits of massage on each system. Students learn to develop critical thinking skills in understanding when massage in indicated or contraindicated for different pathologies that may be encountered in a massage practice. Presentation of the material is by lecture, discussion, audio-visual aides and various adult teaching strategies  to  ensure  comprehension  and  familiarity  with  medical terminology. Through the use of  visual aids, discussion of case studies and designing a treatment protocol, students develop the ability to make appropriate decisions regarding a client’s treatment needs.

Phone: (828) 761-1553

707 Haywood Rd, Suite 001 Asheville, NC 28806

©2024 Western North Carolina School of Massage, LLC

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